Dog Bites and Legal Implications in South Carolina

Dogs have long been considered man’s best friend, providing companionship, loyalty, and love. However, when a man’s best friend turns aggressive and bites, it can lead to serious consequences, both physically and legally. South Carolina, like many other states, has laws in place to address dog bites and their legal implications. At Harbin & Burnett […]

What to Expect After Getting into a Car Accident

Damaged in heavy car accident vehicles after collision on city street crash site.

No one ever anticipates being involved in a car accident, but unfortunately, it can happen to anyone at any time. If you find yourself in such a situation in South Carolina, knowing what steps to take and what to expect after the accident is essential. This blog aims to guide you through the aftermath of […]

How Can You Prevent Trucking Accidents?

Trucking accidents can be devastating, and taking steps to prevent them is important. We’ve put together some tips to help keep yourself safe on the road and avoid trucking accidents. South Carolina’s scenic highways are often traversed by large commercial vehicles traveling both interstate and intrastate. Unfortunately, nearly 75 people die each year in large […]