Dram Shop Liability

If you have questions about dram shop liability in a drunk driving accident case, contact Harbin & Burnett LLP, to get answers to your questions from an experienced personal injury lawyer.

What Does Dram Shop Liability Mean and How Does It Apply?

Drunk driving accidents can lead to serious injuries and even death. This situation is made worse knowing that the accident could have been avoided and that the driver acted negligently by getting behind the wheel while under the influence.

Under South Carolina dram shop laws, a drunk driving victim may be able to seek compensation from the owner of a bar, liquor store, or other retailer selling alcohol if they served a drink to a visibly intoxicated person who then caused a drunk driving accident. Dram shop is a traditional term for a shop where spirits were sold by the dram, a small unit of liquid.

South Carolina Dram Shop Act (S. 1175)

The South Carolina Dram Shop Act holds businesses liable if they serve alcohol to intoxicated individuals or minors who then cause injury or property damage.

Key Provisions:

  • Liability for Over-Serving: Licensed establishments can be held responsible if they knowingly serve alcohol to an intoxicated person or minor, and that person causes harm.
  • Private Cause of Action: Victims, including spouses and family members, can file a lawsuit against the intoxicated individual, the business, and its employees if alcohol service was a proximate cause of the injury.
  • Evidence of Intoxication: Signs such as bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, stumbling, or a high blood alcohol content (BAC) can establish liability.
  • Underage Drinking: Businesses can be sued if they knowingly serve or allow minors to consume alcohol on their premises. Minors injured due to illegal alcohol service also have the right to seek damages

Our laws also recognize that bartenders or bars may share some of the responsibility. A person who is injured in a drunk driving accident may sue the bar, the owner or an individual employee who served alcohol to the driver if he or she was visibly intoxicated. It is against South Carolina law to serve alcohol to someone who is visibly intoxicated.

The idea behind dram shop liability is that the bartender, like the drunk driver, knows that intoxicated drivers are dangerous. If a bartender serves an already intoxicated patron who then gets into a car and causes an accident, the bar or bartender might be held responsible.

1(800)NEGLECT (in South Carolina)

1(888)821-0247 (nationwide)

At the Anderson, South Carolina, law firm of Harbin & Burnett LLP, we have years of experience analyzing car accident claims and representing injury victims as they seek fair compensation. Our attorneys frequently handle drunk driving accident cases. Whenever we work on behalf of a DUI accident victim, we explore the possibility that one or more bars or bartenders might share financial responsibility for the accident with the driver.


For a Dram Shop Liability Claim, Call Harbin & Burnett

Call 1(800)NEGLECT to schedule a free consultation. We handle all personal injury cases on contingency, so there are no attorney fees unless we receive a positive settlement or verdict.